Date: 31 July, 2020

Set in a remote area of the Falkland Islands just over a year after the war with Argentina in 1982. The story follows two workers who made the eight thousand miles, two-week journey, from Great Britain along with many others to construct a new Airfield. Their story is one of workforce conflict with management who are running the high-pressured project that includes tales of work-related deaths, a hostile climate and mental health issues but was helped by humour, camaraderie and much more that is needed to get through a very demanding project on the other side of the world in the days before digital communication, with possibly only a letter once a week and three-minute phone call home once a month. The story takes the reader from a barren part of the Island that previously had only seen cattle and sheep to an aircraft landing just over a year later. While the back-drop is construction, it is more a story of human endeavour.

FREE eBook From July 31 – August 2, 2020