Category: Teen & Young Adult

  • Sheltered: When a Boy Becomes a Legend

    Sheltered: When a Boy Becomes a Legend

    With America under attack from within, twelve-year-old James must fight his way to freedom while trying to hold onto his values and virtue. “We are all given a space in life to fill, a roaring emptiness in time… and it’s how you choose to fill that void, that will determine the difference in becoming a…

  • Dorothy in the Land of Monsters

    Dorothy in the Land of Monsters

    Shifters, Zombies, and Vampires? Oh my! My name is Dorothy Gale, and I think I might be dead. When my dog Toto and I got swept up in a twister, we landed in hell. A very colorful hell. Like a rainbow dripping in blood. Now it looks as though this dreadful underworld plagued with vampires,…