The Aquarius Nation


Chris Lawrence has it all. CEO of a multi award winning agency. Good looks and an Instagram lifestyle. He has been pushing out his “Rise and rise of my authentic self” personal brand for years to his millions of followers. But recently he has been almost choking on his words because of secrets that he buried deep within himself when he was just a young boy that are now screaming to be heard.

Rebecca Lynch has run away from her life in London. Having been let down and used she has had enough and has escaped to the Suffolk coast to finally finish the book she has always wanted to publish.

Sadie Malone knows things. She is offered words of wisdom while in deep trance meditation. Her husband John has been recording her conversations with whatever higher power she connects with.

When fate brings them all together Chris’s manufactured persona is blown apart. Sadie’s words resonate deep within his soul. He was looking for answers not love but the universe has a plan.

The Aquarius Nation is a story of love, loss and the universal laws that weave it all together.